Camelot Cattle Co Mandisa


ADGA #N2224928

March 19, 2022

Mandisa is the reason we “went shopping” for doe kids at Camelot Cattle Co in 2022. Her dam, Mystique, was selected due to her pedigree, being a daughter of Camelot Cattle Co Mischief. Mischief is a multi-time ELITE and Top Ten Breed leader, and has a nice appraisal score, so we really wanted her genetics in our herd. Mandisa’s sire is Sweet-Sprin g Calvin Klein, a Kastdemur’s Time in a Bottle son who has produced some wonderful daughters. We have very high expectations for Mandisa in our herd, both in production and conformation.

Mandisa milked well as a yearling, but not phenomenally. We suspect this is due to maturity and the fact that she is a fairly large doe for her age, thus needing more energy just for regular function without having excess leftover for the milk pail. She produced very high component milk though, peaking at over 8% butterfat and finishing with a 6.2% average butterfat for her lactation. Mandisa is AS1C A/B, and we know her offspring will be great additions to our high casein breeding goals.

Mandisa scored best in her yearling milker class in our herd for strength, rump angle, and foreudder attachement. She was near the top of our herd for rump width, and received the best rear leg score in our herd, as well. All these things tell us that she has fantastic potential for scoring an excellent in general appearance once she’s mature. Unfortunately, her teat placement and other udder traits did not score as well as some of our other 2023 yearling first fresheners, so her overall linear appraisal score is lower than we’d hope. We expect that she’s going to do a lot of maturing and improving in the coming years and turn into a fantastic goat that really shows off her pedigree.

DHI Records

Mandisa met her star milker requirements in butterfat and protein in her yearling lactation, making her a 4*M. Click here and input Animal ID NUUSA2224928 (make sure the “GOAT” selection is toggled) to pull up her CDCB Query and see additional data.


2025: Due in early March to start her lactation.

2024: 2-01 y/o completed 261 DIM

Milk 1546 - Butterfat 82 (6.2%) - Protein 59 (3.9%)

2023: 01-02 y/o completed 216 DIM

Milk 1203 - Butterfat 74 (6.2%) - Protein 47 (3.9%)

Linear Appraisal Data

Udder Photos

We’re (admittedly) not the most skilled at clipping and photographing udders. Please accept our apologies for the lack of skill in these areas, and know that we provide you with the best we’re capable of giving. If at any time you want current udder photos of a doe, just contact us.

Udder- 12 hr fill, Sep 2023

~100 DIM, 1st Freshening

Her udderis a wonderful shape and we love its texture. Her teat placement is a little wide and we hope to see them come down and in a little with maturity.

Kidding Journal @ Bluestem Acres

2023- Mandisa gave us twin does, sired by Zao Playin Stubborn Just4U in mid-June 2023, exactly on her due date. Granted, she kidded just about as early as possible on her due date, with everything wrapped up before 1:30am, and I was just a tad sleep deprived the next day, but twin does is worth the struggle. Mandisa had filled her udder the night before, and I was “certain” she would kid early in the day on the 11th. I am very thankful for technology (barn cameras and data/wifi connections) that allowed me to still do my regular Sunday activities while keeping an eye on Mandisa in the kidding stall. She didn’t show any signs of labor until the 11:30pm camera check as I was headed to bed. Labor and delivery were texbook smooth, and Mandisa completed everything like a seasoned doe. Her wide and level rump are sure reasons that she had it so easily. The doe kids were very similar in size and stature from the very beginning, with one being slightly narrower and more dairy and the other being a little less dairy but with more width throughout. While we aren’t experts at judging which sibling will be better once mature, we went with the doe kid that showed more dairyness and Kansas Bluestem JoyUnspeakable (pictured) stayed put in our herd. Kansas Bluestem TrueBeauty4u went over to the Walkers in Kingman, KS (yes, they’re repeat customers of the very best kind). Unfortunately, JoyUnspeakable passed away in July 2024 to an unknown cause.

2024- Mandisa had triplet bucks on her due date in 2024, but unfortunately two were DOA, and very small. We’re not sure what caused the size differnce between the two deceased bucklings and the single live buckling. Mandisa came into milk well, but still not quite to the volume we’d hoped. We attribute the lower production to the lack of consistent milking at the beginning of her lactation and have vowed to do better the next time around. Mandisa milked well through the whole length of her lactation, keeping a nice production of about a half a pound a day after she was bred back, and didn’t drop off until very close to her dry-off date at 90 days post breeding.

Pedigree Behind Her

DD- SG Camelot Cattle Co Mischief, 2*M

Mischief appraised EX 90 (VVEE) in 2019 at three years old. She has a career lactation record of 4,261 lbs in prodcution on her 5th lactation, for the year of 2022. She’s a multi-time ELITE doe and has been on the Top Ten list every year since 2019. We’re thrilled to have her genetics in our barn!

DS- Camelot Cattle Co Chrome

Chrome is the littermate to Camelot Cattle Co Fawkes. Fawkes appraised V 88 (VVEV) in 2022 at five years old. She was 4th in BF prodcution for Nubians nationwide in 2021. Again in 2021, she found herself on the Top Ten list at #9 for milk volume and #6 for protein production nationwide. We’re thrilled to have her genetics in our barn!

DDS- Tamris Farms Sap’s Onyx +*B

Onyx made the Elite buck list at 96% in 2020, and again at 97% in 2021. He has at least two daughters who have also made the Elite list, Camelot Cattle Co Mischief and Camelot Cattle Co Raven. Onyx's maternal sister, Tamris Farm Sap's AH Azurite, was 2019 ADGA National Junior Champion.

S- GCH Sweet-Spring Calvin Klein +*B

SS- GCH Kastdemur’s Time in a Bottle ++*B