The Hosman Farm Maui Souvenir
ADGA #N2292298
January 24, 2023
Souvenir takes after her dam in milk production and udder shape. Her production is not extremely high, but its noteable and she has large orifices. Overall, a stronger medial would be of benefit, but the udder is snugly attached on the side, with good height and foreudder blending. Souvenir also has her dam’s dairy frame, with a nicely put together front end and smoothly blended neck. Her topline is strong and she has a beautiful uphill stature with great body depth.
Maui Time is an impressive buck who brings some nice udder and prodcution genetics to this doe. He added length to the teats, and strength to the lateral attachments of Souvenir’s udder. Maui’s paternal sisters have scored in the high 80s and low 90s as second fresheners. We’re excited to have the opportunity to have Souvenir scored in 2025. Maui’s dam, SG Wingwood Farm Sweet Tatum 11*M, is an impressive doe with a beautiful mammary whose offspring both milk well and stands up near the front of the class in shows. We’re looking forward to what these genetics do in our herd.
Souvenir is the daughter of Redwood Hills Atlas Memory and Tamris Farm DW It’s Maui Time. Souvenir’s parents brought some wonderful west coast genetics to our herd! She is the triplet sister of two bucks, one of whom is working in a local herd as a herdsire. Souvenir is a large framed doe and she’s an eyecatcher with her unique roaned coloring. We really appraciate her size and look forward to having that influence in our herd. Souvenir hit the show ring a few times as a dry yearling and placed high in large classes. We’re looking forward to having her out as a mature doe.
Souvenir is on track to earn her milk * in her first freshening, making her a 10*M. We expect production to be high with average component content. Click here and input Animal ID NUUSA2292298 (make sure the “GOAT” selection is toggled) to pull up her CDCB Query and see additional data.
DHI Records
2024: 1-09 y/o reported as of 37 DIM
Milk 193 - Butterfat 14 (7.3%) - Protein 9 (4.6%)
2024: 1-09 y/o … will be updated when lactation is completed
Linear Appraisal Data
2025: We hope to have Souvenir appraised in 2025. While she will be pretty far into her lactation (150+ days) but we will hold off on breeding her back again until after appraisal, if possible.
Udder Photos
We’re (admittedly) not the most skilled at clipping and photographing udders. Please accept our apologies for the lack of skill in these areas, and know that we provide you with the best we’re capable of giving. If at any time you want current udder photos of a doe, just contact us.
Udder- November 2024
~20 DIM, 1st Freshening
Souvenir’s udder is “pretty” but it is functional. We appreciate the strength of attachments and are satisfied with her production volume.
Kidding Journal @ Bluestem Acres
2024- Our original plan was to freshen Souvenir in March of her yearling year. A positive blood test and absence of heats had us believing she was pregnant, but her due date came and went with no delivery. That was disapointing but we took her out as a dry yearling to some shows. She did quite well, and that made us want her fresh even more. We hormone cycled Souvenir, along with a small group of does, in May, for a fall freshening group. At first, we weren’t sure that the buck we’d selected for her would be willing, but Flasher finally consented to her nagging. Souvenir kidded on her due date with a large single doe kid. The other two does we had bred at the same time also kidded on that day, and both kidded in the early afternoon. We knew Souvenir was close to delivery, but hadn’t seen any real signs of labor, so left her for a few hours to attend to the other newborn kids in the house. When I checked the cameras, right before sitting down to dinner, I saw one of the other does who was sharing that maternity stall with her licking vigorously at something in the straw behind Souvenir. Souvenir didn’t have a clue what was going on, and didn’t see to care… and then the something move and I realized Souvenir had delivered! The doe kid hadn’t been out long and the other two does were working hard to dry her off, but they didn’t mind when I snuck her away to the house, and then returned to milk Souvenir’s colostrum. We retained the doe kid, Kansas Bluestem Parade Trinket, and she will join Knox’s 4-H Dairy Goat project string. Souvenir came into milk wonderfully with admirable production for a yearling. She does tend to hold back milk in the intitial stage of milking, but gentle bumping gets her to letdown the rest. Her orifice size is excellent and we’re glad to have her on the line.
2025- Souvenir will be bred for a fall freshening in 2025. Since we retained her 2024 doe kid, its likely that her 2025 kid will be available.
Dam- Redwood Hills Atlas Memory
Sire’s Dam- Wingwood Farm Sweet Tatum
photo provided courtesy of Wingwood Farm
Dam’s Dam- Redwood Hills Majestic Mallory
photo provided courtesty of Redwood Hill Farm
Sire’s Dam’s Dam- Wingwood Farm Ami Tule
photo provided courtesty of Wingwood Farm
Dam’s Sire’s Dam- Wingwood Farm Tim’s Althea
photo provided courtesty of Wingwood Farm
Sire'’s Sire’s Dam- Redwood Hills Atlas Carnival
photo provided courtesty of Redwood Hill Farm