Kansas Bluestem LuckOfTheStraw
ADGA #N2296716
G6S Normal
CAE & Johnes Negative
(November 2024)
April 23, 2023
S: Truly Ranch Magic’s Morse Code
SS: *B SG Goldthwaite Magic
SD: SG Goldthwaite Dolzi 9*M
D: Rocking Goat Farms Lucky Clover
DS: Cozy Meadow Royal N Ice
DD: Rocking Goat Farms Mimi *M
Lucky is the result of our first successful AI. Her AI sire was selected because of the milk production of his parent’s lines, even though he didn’t have many offspring. Lucky’s dam, Clover, is a big time producer herself, and we wanted to improve upon that trait.
Unfortunately, Lucky’s first lactation was unimpressive due to a mistake on our part. We’re hopeful that her second freshening shows her full potential. Conformationally, Lucky dips significantly in her chine, making her unsuitable to be a buck dam, however, we’d still like to keep some daughters. Lucky’s temperament is sweet and friendly- can can always count on her to welcome new goats, or to beg human visitors for attention.
Lucky did not meet her *M requirements in her first lactation. We hope to see her excel as a milker as a 2yr old. Click here and copy/paste Animal ID NUUSA2122219 (make sure the “GOAT” selection is toggled) to pull up her CDCB record and see additional data.
DHI Records
2025: 1-11 y/o … lactation should begin in early March
2024: 0-11 y/o completed 260DIM
Milk 895 - Butterfat 41 (4.5%) - Protein 31 (3.4%)
Linear Appraisal Data
2025: We hope to have Lucky appraised in 2025. She will be approximately 30 days into her second lactation at the time of our appraisal.
Udder Photos
We’re (admittedly) not the most skilled at clipping and photographing udders. Please accept our apologies for the lack of skill in these areas, and know that we provide you with the best we’re capable of giving. If at any time you want current udder photos of a doe, just contact us.
Udder- none 2024
Due to her abnormal first freshening (see below for explanation) we do not have any udder photos from Lucky’s first lactation. The pieces are there, we just need to be patient to see them bloom!
Kidding Journal @ Bluestem Acres
2024- Lucky was pen bred to PNP-Legacy Ralph Lauren in fall of 2023. We noted a breeding date, but she remained in the pen with him for several more weeks while we waited to confirm breeding action between Ralph and some other does. An additional, later breeding date occured during this time period that we were unaware of. Due to a hectic schedule around her “due date” (the one we had noted), we opted to induce Lucky’s labor so she would kid two days early at a time when we would for certain be home. Unfortunately, this two days early was actually closer to 23 days early and her single buckling was quite premature, unable to survive. Freshening with a single, and being induced well-before a natural partuition would have occured, caused Lucky to not come fully into milk. She did come into milk, lightly, but gave us less than half a gallon of milk daily through her entire lactation. Her udder never filled to capacity but did appear to function normally. We bred her back for an early March kidding and dried her off with 60 days to go. Hopefully, we see a lactation representative of her genetics the next time around.
2025- Lucky was bred to Cozy Meadow Maximum Chrome for March 2025 kids. Her first doeling will be retained. Any additional doe kids will be available with registration. Bucklings will be available as wethers.
Dam- Rocking Goat Farms LuckyClover
Dam’s Dam- Rocking Goat Farms Mimi
Dam’s Sire’s Dam- Windsong Farm Whiskey Lullaby
photo provided courtesy of Deb Boller/Cozy Meadow Nubians
Sire’s Dam- SG Goldthwaite Dolzi 9*M
photo provided courtesy of Goldthwaite Nubians
Sire’s Dam’s Dam- SGCH Goldthwaite Jewellia 8*M
photo provided courtesy of Goldthwaite Nubians
Sire's Sire’s Dam- SGCH Goldthwaite Talpoosa
photo provided courtesy of Goldthwaite Nubians